The sensor is available with type-approved X-band antennas at 4ft, 6ft and 8ft, which deliver a sharper radar image for short-range detection; and a type-approved S-band antenna at 12ft for long-range detection and clearer images in rain and fog. A 9ft S-band antenna is also available for applications where type approval is not required.


S-band antenna with masthead transceiver



X-band antenna with masthead transceiver




Scanner Features

Scanner features include advanced clutter suppression, target acquisition, AIS targets, interswitching, compatibility, dual-channel options and personalisation.

Advanced Clutter Suppression

In the presence of sea or rain clutter, our VisionMaster Radar scanner features advanced clutter suppression technology that automatically detects small, weak targets without the need for adjusting controls.

Target Acquisition

Rather than manually acquiring targets, the ARPA scanners automatically and safely acquire and track targets at relative speeds up to 150 knots.

AIS Targets

The VisionMaster Radar can display up to 650 AIS targets and supports processing and display of AIS ATONS, Search & Rescue Craft, AIS SARTS, AIS Base Stations, safety messaging and AIS MKD.


With VisionMaster FT, an optional digital Interswitch allows the operator to display radar video from any scanner at any desired display. For improved user operation and flexibility, interswitching gives up to six transceivers and up to six displays.
This installation is not required with VisionMaster Net network platform.


Settings can be customized for different watch officers, with voyage plans and operating systems that can be saved and moved to different vessels, offering flexibility, control and safety.

For a full list of scanner features, please contact us.